Banner Specs
In-Article Dimensions (Pixels) Width x Height
- Desktop – 640 x 360 (maximum responsive size)
- Mobile web – 300 x 169
In-article video also commonly referred to as ‘in-read’ or ‘native video’, is an outstream video advertising unit that auto-plays in a large format player whenever a user navigates to it within text content (typically an article).
This non-intrusive format will help you scale the reach of your video campaign, in a brand safe environment, with high viewability (> 75%).
Video specs:
- Format H.264 MP4
- Video dimensions: 640 x 360
- Video file size no more than 3 MB
- Video length no more than 30 seconds with looping disabled - Unless hosted on third party video host (YouTube etc)
- Video loudness - Set loudness to -24 LUFS
- Video audio - 44.1 kHz 192 Kbps
- Video auto play - Audio starts muted and has to be user initiated
- Video format pauses when it loses focus
- Circled timer on the top left corner is always visible to see the video progress
- Video Metrics are tracked on Celtra Analytics
Mediacorp Network:
All sites. Responsive layout will respond accordingly to all sites.
Mediacorp Partner Network: